
Isn't Peppermint Enough
For years, Dallas Browning had thought it strange that peppermint sprays were somehow always accompanied with sugar, alcohol, glycerin, or other sweeteners and stabilizers.
As Luck Would Have It
A few years ago, Dallas discovered that his coworker and friend happened to be part of the only commercial mint farm in Utah. The mint was delicious. It didn't have any fillers. It was distilled in the old-world fashion using steam. No more of the bitter oils with who-knows-what in them hailing from who-knows-where. He finally had a source he could trust. Sure, it was more expensive than getting peppermint oil from across the sea, but he had a hunch people would go for it.
The Rest Is History
Dallas begged Bart to sell him some mint oil. Bart relented. After months of trying different packages and sprayers and droppers, FRSH MNT finally came to life. And people have been gasping at how strong it is ever since.
It really isn't for everybody, but it's perfect for some.